William Leach
Location | Glasgow |
Specialties | Sports, Knee |
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William Leach
Location | Glasgow |
Specialties | Sports, Knee |
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Mr William Leach is a highly experienced Trauma and Orthopaedic Consultant with a special interest in knee surgery and sports trauma. He holds a substantive NHS appointment at the QEUH in Glasgow and serves as a Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon at the same hospital. With years of expertise, Mr Leach is known for his expertise in knee replacement surgery, including partial, total, and revision knee arthroplasty. His specializations also include knee arthroscopic work such as meniscal and cruciate ligament surgery, and he has a keen interest in robotic-assisted surgery. In addition to his primary specializations, Mr William Leach has a focus on areas such as lower limb disorders, sports injuries, arthroscopic meniscus and ligament surgery, as well as knee surgery including partial and total knee replacements. His commitment to innovation is evident through his interest in robotic-assisted surgery and shockwave therapy. With accolades as a Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon at QEUH, Glasgow, Mr Leach consistently demonstrates expertise in providing high-quality care in the field of trauma and orthopaedic surgery, particularly focusing on knee-related conditions. Outside his professional commitments, Mr William Leach is a dedicated Trauma and Orthopaedic Consultant with a focus on knee surgery and sports trauma. His extensive experience and specializations in knee replacement surgery, arthroscopic procedures, and robotic-assisted surgery highlight his dedication to providing advanced care. Mr Leach's commitment to innovation and patient care is reflected in his expertise in various lower limb disorders, sports injuries, and surgical interventions related to the knee joint.
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