Swee Ang
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Swee Ang
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Mr Swee Ang is an experienced trauma and orthopaedic surgeon in London Independent Hospital. With years of expertise, he specialises in wrist surgery, joint replacements, hand surgery, trauma, arthritis (elbow, wrist, thumb, and fingers), and upper limb surgery. His professional background includes a focus on providing high-quality care in these specialised areas within the field. As a renowned specialist in trauma and orthopaedic surgery, Mr Swee Ang is dedicated to his patients' well-being. His practice encompasses a broad range of services, from wrist surgery to upper limb surgery. With a proven track record of excellence, he is recognised for his expertise in joint replacements and treating conditions such as arthritis in the elbow, wrist, thumb, and fingers. His commitment to delivering exceptional care has set him apart in the medical community. Beyond his medical practice, Mr Swee Ang may have various interests outside of his profession. While his focus remains on providing top-notch care in trauma and orthopaedic surgery, he may also engage in other activities or hobbies. His dedication to his patients and his specialisations reflect his passion for improving the lives of those in need of orthopaedic care.
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