Srinivas Gadikoppula
Buckhurst Hill, Enfield,
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Srinivas Gadikoppula
Buckhurst Hill, Enfield,
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Mr Srinivas Gadikoppula is an experienced NHS Trauma & Orthopaedic surgeon at North Middlesex University Hospital. With expertise in upper limb surgery, his specializations include treating conditions of the shoulder, elbow, hand, and wrist, including complex fractures of the upper limb. He is skilled in using enhanced recovery techniques for total hip, total knee replacement, and total shoulder replacement procedures. With years of experience under his belt, Mr Srinivas Gadikoppula focuses on trauma & orthopaedic surgery, with a particular interest in upper limb procedures and complex fractures of the upper limb. He is known for his expertise in employing enhanced recovery techniques for total hip, total knee replacement, and total shoulder replacement surgeries. Additionally, he holds a specialisation code of 04586991, showcasing his dedication to his field. Outside of his medical practice, Mr Srinivas Gadikoppula's other interests are not specified.
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