
Mohamad Bawarish

Mr Bawarish is a Trauma & Orthopaedic Surgeon at Woodlands Hospital with a focus on arthroplasty, hip and knee replacement surgeries, arthroscopy, trauma, spinal surgery, reconstructive surgery, and ankle surgery.


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Mohamad Bawarish

Surgeon Bio

Mr Mohamad Bawarish is a highly experienced trauma and orthopaedic surgeon with a focus on arthroplasty, hip and knee replacement surgery, arthroscopy, trauma, spinal surgery, reconstructive surgery, and ankle surgery. With years of expertise in the field, he has developed a strong reputation for his skill and dedication to his patients. Currently practising at Woodlands Hospital, Mr Bawarish holds procedures within his specializations. Having honed his expertise over the years, Mr Bawarish has built a distinguished career in trauma and orthopaedic surgery, with a particular emphasis on arthroplasty and various joint replacement surgeries. His professional journey reflects a commitment to excellence in areas such as spinal surgery, reconstructive surgery, and trauma. His achievements and high standard of care make him a sought-after specialist in the field, providing patients with top-notch surgical solutions at Woodlands Hospital. Beyond his medical practice, Mr Bawarish may have other interests outside of the operating theatre, reflecting a well-rounded approach to life. Whether pursuing hobbies, sports, or other passions, his dedication to his patients is matched by a balanced lifestyle that ensures he remains at the top of his game in delivering expert surgical care at Woodlands Hospital.

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Mohamad Bawarish