Michael Waldram
Location | Birmingham |
Specialties | Face-to-face consultations Video and telephone consultations |
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Michael Waldram
Location | Birmingham |
Specialties | Face-to-face consultations Video and telephone consultations |
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Mr Michael Waldram is an experienced trauma and orthopaedic surgeon with a focus on hand surgery. With years of expertise in the field, Mr Waldram specialises in treating a wide range of orthopaedic conditions, particularly in the area of hand surgery. He has held various positions in the medical field, showcasing his commitment and knowledge in the domain. Having received specialized training in trauma and orthopaedic surgery, Mr Waldram has established himself as a leading expert in hand surgery. His passion for this particular area of interest has earned him recognition among his peers. With a wealth of experience and dedication to patient care, Mr Waldram continues to provide high-quality surgical interventions and treatments for orthopaedic conditions, ensuring the best possible outcomes for his patients. Beyond his professional life, Mr Waldram enjoys exploring other interests outside of the medical field. His dedication to his patients is matched by his enthusiasm for personal pursuits, contributing to a well-rounded and compassionate approach to his work as a trauma and orthopaedic surgeon specialising in hand surgery.
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