
Jaime Candal-Couto

Mr Jaime Candal-Couto is an experienced Trauma & Orthopaedic surgeon with expertise in elbow, shoulder, and upper limb surgery, and is currently working at Nuffield Health Newcastle upon Tyne Hospital and InHealth Group Wansbeck MRI Centre.


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  • Ashington
  • Newcastle upon Tyne

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Jaime Candal-Couto

Surgeon Bio

Jaime Candal-Couto is a highly experienced and skilled consultant in trauma and orthopaedic surgery. With a expertise spanning several years, he has held positions at the Nuffield Health Newcastle upon Tyne Hospital and the InHealth Group Wansbeck MRI Centre. His specializations include elbow, shoulder, and upper limb surgery. Jaime Candal-Couto has received training and extensive experience in the field of trauma and orthopaedic surgery. He has a particular interest in treating conditions related to the elbow, shoulder, and upper limb. His expertise and dedication to his patients have earned him recognition in the medical community. In addition to his medical career, Jaime Candal-Couto has other interests and hobbies. These additional passions help to round out his life and contribute to his well-rounded approach to patient care.

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Jaime Candal-Couto