

Medbelle positionPartnership Manager


Sarah is originally from Dublin but has since made Berlin her home and is now raising a family. As Primary Care Partnership Manager, Sarah is responsible for creating and nurturing partnerships with primary care providers. Sarah loves what she does because she gets to work with passionate people every day who take so much pride in their work. Primary Care is more than just a job, it’s a vocation, and she’s inspired every day by the drive and dedication of our partners for what they do and for the patients they treat. Outside of work, Sarah is an avid hiker with wanderlust in her soul and dedicates her free time to human and environmental causes.

Job responsibilities

  • Sourcing new primary care partners (physiotherapists, GPs, imaging providers etc) to expand our network and make healthcare accessible to more patients in the UK
  • Pitching Medbelle’s value proposition and securing new agreements to ensure our new partners' visions align with our values
  • Onboarding and training with new partners to develop a strong working relationship and understanding of all our processes
  • Strategic development, reporting, analysis, and forecasting to ensure we’re able to monitor everything we do and support our goal of proving value-based care works
  • The main point of contact for primary partners - account management, partner relations and communications, helping with partner needs
  • Organising, running, and presenting at CPD events, offering opportunities for learning and development for all
  • Coordinating cross-departmentally to ensure we provide the best possible service to our primary partners
Work experience

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